Time and time again animals go missing, leaving owners desperately searching for them. Our ambition is to help find these animals. Our nationally managed database for Spain is the ideal tool for this. If your beloved pet should ever get lost, registering it with MASCOTAFIND multiplies the probability of finding it again many times over. In this way, you contribute to the protection of your animal with a one-time registration fee of only 10 euro.
There are possibilities on social media to search for your pet. Generally, though, this is a time-consuming, nerve-racking task. All the sites must be searched manually every day as they are not linked to each other. And before you even can start searching the internet, you must find out what sites exist which could lead to success.Outside Spain there are various registers, but in Spain, up to now, there is not even one.
Ideally, your pet should be registered in a pet registry such as MASCOTAFIND and have a microchip implanted under the skin by a vet. The combination of these two measures are the best possible prerequisites to find your pet at all in case of loss. When registering with MASCOTAFIND all-important data about the animal, including photos, are recorded. In the event of a loss, they will be transmitted within the shortest possible time to all relevant, channels like for example animal welfare institutions, veterinary practices, authorities and private organisations such as rescue centers, feeding colonies etc. The microchip alone does not necessarily lead to success in an emergency. In many cases a lost animal is sighted but cannot be caught. Or else there is no way for the finder to take the animal to a vet or to the police to have the chip read. Even though most cats and many dogs are not microchipped, most missing animals can still be traced based on their description and indication where they were lost or found. With this information our database tries to find matches. This is the main task of the register. The system automatically compares reports of lost or missing animals we receive in all of Spain. In case of a “hit” the searcher will be contacted by e-mail and at the same time the finder will be contacted as well. On the MASCOTAFIND website everyone can quickly and easily view all animals that have been searched for and found. With the 24-hour emergency call service it is possible to exchange information in the fastest possible way.