Scent carriers for lost pet emergencies

The head of the dog search organisation "Sniffer Dogs Mallorca" has an effective tip for being prepared in the case of an emergency when a pet goes missing. A great idea that every pet owner can and should use, in addition to microchipping and registration in our pet register "Mascotafind". It is very simple:  Using disposable gloves, take a sterile cotton bandage (fleece dressing) from your first aid kit and rub it over the animal. Then store this scent carrier in a jar with a screw top. Label the jar with the name of the pet and the date of the sample. Store in a dark place. The odour sample will be good for up to 2 years and should then be replaced. This provides a clear "scent image" for the trailer / search dog when it has to go into action to find your lost pet.   If you use this method together with microchipping and registration with Mascotafind, you can be sure that you will be well prepared for any emergency.

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